FAQs for Majors

What are the requirements for a major?

The requirements for a major in economics are laid out here.

Which courses should I take first?

You may start your economics career with either Principles of Microeconomics or Principles of Macroeconomics. There is perhaps a slight advantage in taking Principles of Microeconomics first, since you will acquire a firm grounding in supply and demand analysis. However, in the macro course you will learn enough supply and demand analysis to be able to do well in the course. So which course should you take first? It really doesn't matter.

You should complete your lower division requirements of two Principles courses, statistics and calculus before tackling the upper division courses. Some sections of Intermediate Macro and Intermediate Micro use basic calculus, and others do not. This depends on the instructor's preferences. If calculus is used in a course, the instructor will teach the basics that you need in the first week. Hence calculus is not a requirement for the intermediate courses, but it will make your life a little easier if you have seen it before.

Many upper division economics electives have Intermediate Micro as a prerequisite, and some require Intermediate Macro. When either course is a prerequisite, it means that the material taught in the prerequisite will be used extensively in the elective, and it will not be reviewed. Panthersoft has not been good at preventing enrollment by students who do not satisfy the prerequisites, and we are not about to start checking by hand. But most students who take an upper division elective without satisfying the prerequisite fail or choose to drop out very quickly, while others are dropped by the instructor. Do not waste your time and money enrolling in courses for which you do not satisfy prerequisites.

In summary, get your lower division requirements out the way first. After that take the two intermediate courses. After that take your electives.

Do you have courses that satisfy FIU core requirements?

Yes we do. Several of our courses are in the University Core Curriculum: Taking the following courses will help you meet requirements of certain sections of the core:


  • ECO 2103 - Principles of Macroeconomics (Social Inquiry)
  • ECO 2023 - Principles of Microeconomics (Social Inquiry)
  • ECS 3003 - Comparative Economic Systems (Societies and Identities)
  • ECS 3021 - Women, Culture, and Economic Development (Societies and Identities)

What are the tracks in economics mentioned in the catalog?

The course catalog lists some suggested tracks, or fields of concentration. Taking all the courses in one of these tracks help give you a defined field of specialization, which can be helpful on the job market. However, there is no requirement whatsoever to select tracks. Moreover, these tracks were defined several years ago. In recent years budget constraints have forced us to limit course offerings, so some tracks may be difficult to complete in a timely fashion.

Where do I go for advising?

You can find the contact details and office hours of the economics adviser here. Note that administrative questions can often be answered more effectively by our office staff.

How can I get an override for an economics course?

Usually you cannot. A class is most often closed because because the room is at capacity. In this case, Panthersoft will not permit additional enrollment in a course. Panthersoft is scared of the Fire Marshall. Sometimes a classroom is not at capacity, but the nature of the course requires us to limit enrollment. In such cases, an override may be possible for exceptional students. However, there is no point in contacting an instructor to ask for an override, because he or she usually cannot doing anything about it. You should come to the department in DM 316 and ask to speak with our office staff. They will know when and if an override is a possibility. Because overrides are a special accommodation, it is in your interests to do this in person, rather than by email.

Where can I find my class syllabus?

Information about how to find most, but not all, syllabi are available on this page.

What electives will you be offering next semester or next year?

Once we know for certain what will be offered next semester or next year, it will be made available here. Before then, we cannot be certain what will be offered, as this will depend on faculty and instructor availability, as well as the evolving needs of the program. The university catalog lists many courses that could be used as electives. However, the catalog is not a particularly dynamic document, and many of the courses listed have not been offered in a long time. To get a more up to date picture of electives that might be offered in the near future, it is useful to see what electives have been offered in recent years. You can do that on this page.

How can I check that I am on track to satisfy the requirements for the major?

Your SASS report will keep track of your progression.

I have a question not specifically related to major. Where can I go?

If you are a Freshman or Sophomore, many questions can be answered by the Undergraduate Studies Academic Advising Center. Beyond that, the first port of call is the advisor or office staff in our department. The College of Arts and Sciences also has an excellent advising center. Following the links will lead to answers to many of your questions. But if you do not find what you are looking for on line, do not delay in visiting the advising center.